Monday 19 March 2012

Hitting a thrifty bump in the road...


I've got to be honest.

I've not been doing quite as well on the old thrift this month.

Chi - you've been an absolute legend with all of your thrifty ways - I am truly inspired! Things are not quite so rosy down here in Notts..

A good friend of ours, Jess, once compared saving money to being on a diet. It's really hard to start with but then once you get into it, it starts feeling really good, and becomes a habit. This is very true. However, as I have discovered this month, when you hit a time of stress - all sensibility can tend to go out of the window. This month I have definitely become a bit lax on the old saving - buying lunch rather than taking a packed one and going on a fair few impromptu dinners out (I'm afraid the list goes on...)

HOWEVER. Before T6 I would have given up and started ignoring my bank balance - shoving my head very firmly and quickly into the sand. But I am a changed women. Tonight I sat down with my online bank and my Filofax and forced myself to face up to my spending this month (which turns out wasn't as bad as I had initially thought), and make a plan for the month ahead. In doing this I have realised I will soon be back on track with my saving plan, and it's served as a good wake up call for future thriftiness!

So to all fellow T6ers...keep the faith!

Ken xx

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